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Stunning English Teen

Starter: rico1978 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 37.0K
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Lvl 14
I've posted on here for a short time, and get the usual rubbish, "my pics are fake etc".

Well in my spare time (who wouldn't) I like to take pics of models/girls that I either meet in a clubs, or more usually from model websites.

This girl was fantastic, really fun and the shoot did get very hot.

The pics are from a few weeks ago, you will not see them anywhere else, that's guaranteed, so less of the "fake" stuff please.

Because of certain members whining on like *****, I will start to ask the girls to have a WBW logo on them , but for now enjoy the pics.
* This post has been modified by lilrika : 17 years ago
Lvl 13
fakes or no fakes those photos are good.

keep up the good work mate.
Lvl 37
Cute face. Not the best boobs...
Lvl 14
Why do people say that!!!!

It really pisses me off.

Check out the model agency sites, in the UK, there are hundreds of girls who want to be models, as long as you pay them £25-50 per hour you can photo them. It's not mission impossible.

None are pro models just girls who think they will be the next Jordan!

And the fact that my blog has hundreds of these pics, which can't be see anywhere else other than this site (I'm seriously thinking of uploading pics somewhere else due to the sad gimps who call me fake or bullshit). Should be a sign that I'm genuine.

Nevermind, here's a few more to those who enjoy.
Lvl 13
Nice pics man.

Lvl 13
agreed. he has pissed me off a time or two as well but you have to just grin and bare it so can enjoy the site
Lvl 13
that should not be the attitude of a mod i would thank thay would be more respectful
Lvl 13
i like the models you are posting, dont let them pee on your parade so to speak,and dont stop the good work that you do.

ps: tequila64 has a beer belly bigger then a 9 month pregnent women..really i'm not kidding.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by rainbowdemon

And the fact that my blog has hundreds of these pics, which can't be see anywhere else other than this site (I'm seriously thinking of uploading pics somewhere else due to the sad gimps who call me fake or bullshit). Should be a sign that I'm genuine.

Yea d00d, you're just way too cool for this place!!

Didn't say I was too cool for this place, but why did you straight away call my pics and my post bullshit?

I've posted a few different girls on here, and each time somebody like yourself comes out with "fake" or "bullshit".

Why cos they aren't reposts?

Or because I haven't lifted them straight from another site, or the babe section on WBW?

If you don't like the pics say so, if you do like the say so, but don't call me a bullshitter without reason!

Lvl 29
Originally posted by tequila64

that should not be the attitude of a mod i would thank thay would be more respectful

That is correct. To a point. And if I am proven wrong about this, I'll be the first to apologize.
Lvl 12
Agreement, PimpDaddy. Well spoketh.
Lvl 13
less fighting more posting ha?
Lvl 8
I'd bone you, address? XP
Lvl 7
Good from far.. but FAR from good..

thanks dude!
Lvl 29
*moved to NPB*
Lvl 19
Very fine girl! You should upload those pics in the WBW pics queue cuz she is definitely Top 5 material.
Lvl 15
nice enough for me. like to get her to my house for a photo shoot wink wink
Lvl 8
well done rico. Can we see her snatch?
Lvl 16
Originally posted by OpieP

well done rico. Can we see her snatch?

That was nicely put... but, yeah, can we?
Lvl 14
Post away man the chick has a rockin bod, the w.b.w thing on the models will end the dispute for good.
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