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So Sweet Cutie Taking Selfshots

Starter: CyberShot01 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 3.1K
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Lvl 21
we could have done without the tampon string hanging down
Lvl 27
Originally posted by waywardson

we could have done without the tampon string hanging down
...but could be anyting else, also!
Lvl 6
we could have done without the tampon string hanging down
Still do her though,bloody or not.
Lvl 29
Who cares about the string? It's what makes her a woman.
Lvl 29
It's all right to swim in the red river. Just don't drink from it!!

Lvl 9
Originally posted by iseeit

Who cares about the string? It's what makes her a woman.

agreed, but why does a picture of it need to be taken? strings aside, she's a good lookin girl