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Shy Uk Girl

Starter: UKShyOne Posted: 13 years ago Views: 36.0K
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Lvl 21
Captn Morgan pose
Lvl 12
Originally posted by thegame14

and I am betting it is shaved, for the record...

check some of the earlier posts theres a nice close up of shyuk's lacy panties, which almost certainly shows it to be shaved underneath
Lvl 11
Are u all desperarate to see my pussy?

would that not remove the mystery?

how much u wanna bet? lol
Lvl 12
if we start betting, there will have to be proof of who wins
Lvl 11
never thought of i suppose it may depend on value of bet.......

to tipsy yo balance on one foot captain morgan style.....i'd fall over

i'll remember it though for later
Lvl 14
nah, there would be plenty of mystery left, and yes I am sure that we all want to see it
Lvl 21
Well I'm really wanting to see it
Lvl 11
show of hands!!!!!
Lvl 21
Fantasy is better than mystery
Lvl 14
Lvl 12
Originally posted by UKShyOne

show of hands!!!!!

mines in the air
Lvl 21
Lvl 11
So out of 100 members and 1200 guests currently on line.....three hands went up..... that means approximately 1297 hands stayed down
Lvl 12
but the 3 most important hands went up (even went to the trouble of removing it from my pants so i could put it up for you )
Lvl 11
when does the voting polls close? pmsl
Lvl 21
They are all asleep and forgot to log off me there are only three of us here
Lvl 11
any other voters? lol
Lvl 14
but I had both hands up, that counts twice...
Lvl 21
I'll vote again if it helps
Lvl 22
Not All are asleep. Not all post. I voted day ago and hope you keep posting. s
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