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Shy Uk Girl

Starter: UKShyOne Posted: 13 years ago Views: 35.8K
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Lvl 11
John-Smith - Im now sitting up in bed sifting through the ones we have already taken.... New ones will be taken on a fairly regular basis i think as Mr UKShyOne now thinks photography is an excellent hobby.... I am agreeing with this hobby as its something we can do together....
Lvl 5
Thank you for more great chat and pics ukshyone, most enjoyable and hot!!! beds calling, catch up again soon i hope, nite xxx
Lvl 11
I have got such a confidence boost from this place the last few nights..... i have let MrUKShyOne take the odd pic before, but never outside and never showing everything like i did today.... you have made me feel amazing and i want u to know if there is anything i can do to repay yous i will do my best....
Lvl 11
I cant believe cutereddragon is going to bed now that i have had a vodka.... i was just getting warmed
Lvl 4
I think i speak for everyone here when i say, Just keep doing what you're doing

I'm glad you're getting a confidence boost from this, See my intro thread.

It's amazing how things can work out sometimes, But simply carry on

Looking forward to the next update already!

** EDIT **

In that case... How about a few cheeky bed shots before sleeping?

Now you're warm
Lvl 11
Have u all gone to bed? lol
Lvl 14
I am still up, something else is up also
Lvl 12
would love to see you in sexy lingerie outdoors and slowly stripping them off
Lvl 11
McRonald get ur partner to do this - once she starts she will love it......she can do it privately with me if she likes....
Lvl 20
Still here and wide awake
Lvl 11
i will see what i can do cork boy.....the rain today maybe rushed it a bit

no bed shots tonight McRonald.....but i will soon....anything special u would like taken?

thegame14 - what else is up?
Lvl 11
well done paladin..... me to...... but what we gonna
Lvl 14
something thicker then an Calipo Ice Lollies
Lvl 11
are u saying u are a big boy "thegame14" lets see it then....with my name next to it so u cant fake
Lvl 20
Just wish I were the there
Lvl 11
do u paladin....... why? lol
Lvl 11
Dont believe this.... i get tipsy u lot go quiet.....
Lvl 14
what is the most daring picture you can imagine yourself posting, now or in the future?
Lvl 4
lol, Ok Shy,

In regards to bed ones, Just naturals for me.

I will have a word with my partner, Not quite sure how to bridge the gap of "urh, yeah you should do this on this forum as i saw this other beautiful lady do it " hehe. We'll see

And if you're looking for something to do, Any more pics from today, Like post 254 but facing other way?
Lvl 6
I know i'm late to the party, but damn girl; i'm loving what you showing us!!! Please keep this going a regular basis for all of us. All I can give you is 5 stars, as that is all that is allowed. Trust me I would give you a 10 is I could!!!! Love the fact that you are an all natural women with a great shape and I love those hard nipples!!
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