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Sandra - want more?

Starter: sweetheart Posted: 19 years ago Views: 80.0K
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Lvl 6
So I guess I've rested long enough, my first thread at got locked so I'm starting a new one. And just to be sure you remember me and know who I am, I'm starting off with another photo that was made the same night as the first photo in the other thread, in my favorite club here in Frankfurt.

No need to say more for now, except that I'm back and hoping for more fun! But I'm heading for bed for now, it's 3 a.m. and I have to get up for work in 3 hours. G'nite!

Just one brief note: I just witnessed the situation where all my pics produced broken links for a few seconds (little red x's). This can happen if the server where I have uploaded the photos is briefly not available, this can happen during maintenance here in Germany, from 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. GMT+1. Please be patient, all my links are OK and the pics will come back!


* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 29
Hi Sandra. Nice to see you again.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
hi sandra,
more pls
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 6
snadra i love that hot body of yours....can we see some of you riding a guy? or you bent over from behind...i bet its the best view on here!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 15
Hey Sandra, welcome back! How come they serve American beer like Samuel Adams at your bar when Germany is the land of beer?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11
do we want more......silly qustion hell yes we want more. german girls rule....I love just as much as i love porsche's!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
I've had my fill, and I'm stuffed. Thanks.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 16
keep posting sweetheart!

btw, i live in frankfurt. its a great city!

never saw you arround though
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 6
Originally posted by KSUGreggy

snadra i love that hot body of yours....can we see some of you riding a guy? or you bent over from behind...i bet its the best view on here!

I enjoy posting the kind of photos that you guys want to see... but if you have a look in my other thread thare are some really great photos there of me riding and the "doggy" view ... I'm still looking around trying to decide what to post...

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Milt

Hey Sandra, welcome back! How come they serve American beer like Samuel Adams at your bar when Germany is the land of beer?

The part of Frankfurt where I party used to be filled with Americans, before they all left Germany. Nowadays all that's left are the neon signs, the partying has gone downhill too. Really too bad, I used to enjoy goofing around with the American GIs

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Duderino

keep posting sweetheart!

btw, i live in frankfurt. its a great city!

never saw you arround though

Really?! Don't understand that you never saw me, I get around a lot. But probably not in the same places...
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 65
Time to please and not tease sandra, show some good pics as a holiday offering to the members of the WBW
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 6
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 9
Hi stunner love your curls
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 6
HOw cum curls, I'm shaved :o)
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 9
damn you're sexxy, sandra...i sure hope to see more of you
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Keep posting! Hope to see more of you !!!!!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 6
OK, there were some requests for some cum-dripping. I have a few webcam pics that I'm sure you'll enjoy... I enjoy sex with the guys on cam as well, sometimes guys drop by when the cam is running and... well there's a neat video from that department too...

While we're at it, here's another cam pic, you can guess what I was doing online...

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 9
oh man....and i thought you were hot BEFORE i saw that pic...thank you so much for sharing
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 6
What pic phishyone?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
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