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real soldier girls - gone wild

Starter: xgod Posted: 16 years ago Views: 6.2K
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Lvl 3
i dont think these have been posted. so enjoy real soldier girls xgod style
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Lvl 15
i just started a similar thread this morning. Good post.
Lvl 8
Join the IDF!
Lvl 11
I actually saw some doucmentary film about women soldiers of Israel. They even go to the shower with their assault rifles, because it's forbidden to leave own rifle out of your sight any time.
Lvl 7
Way to go Israeli girls.
Lvl 7
I don't know if all of these match, but Israel is a wonderful place regardless.
Lvl 27
I'm lovin it!
Lvl 21
Originally posted by Muad-dib

I'm lovin it!

muad... we have the same eye
Hot soldier babes

Good way to draw man to the army !
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