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discodisco 16 years ago
tiredeyes 16 years ago
Inevitably, proof is going to be required, suggest you work on an A4 WBW sign about now.
She is stunning
5 stars
5.00 (based on 1 votes, you rated 5)
She is stunning
5 stars
5.00 (based on 1 votes, you rated 5)
Dreltech5 16 years ago
Lol, well i usually rate girls fully after i give them a go, you live in FL? haha jk...She's smokin dude...at least a 9-9.5 in my book...great ass too.
Heading-South 16 years ago
Very nice. She is hot. I like her well shaved pussy.... Any more of her up close and personal?
[Deleted] 16 years ago
She's friggin hot. You also need to spring for a nicer hotel though. Then nail her in the jacuzzi.
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