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Pubic Hair Styles...

Starter: Benton88 Posted: 13 years ago Views: 14.5K
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Lvl 14
Some I found of the same girl, I think... she must be a stylist or desperate for some guy...

Whats your favorite, comment or post!

Lvl 27
All I have to say is, some people have to much time on their hands
Lvl 21
if I had to choose it would be the second looks a bit rough though ,kind of like razor burn.
Lvl 14
#3 for me
She should shave it in the form of 'pi'
Lvl 14
Some more choices for you including completely bare in my opinion the only thing on a pussy should be my cum

Weirdest thread ever.

Ok...maybe not ever, but up there.
Lvl 14
Awesome isnt it!!!!
Lvl 10
Strange girl(s)...
My fav is #1 of the second post.
Lvl 6
Last one of second post, looks sooooo good!
Lvl 14
Originally posted by Tawney

Last one of second post, looks sooooo good!

I think I agree, it looks so tight and its got some hair to hold the cum... Although I can never decide whether I like pussy lips or not, I have had both extremes and like them both...
Lvl 14
Great start to a great thread. hope there is more to cum...
Lvl 21
#6 from first post. #2 is nice too.
Lvl 5
Eh I like em all.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by rawlings300

Eh I like em all.
Lvl 6
gr8 man.........plz add more.........its really hot coll.
Lvl 59
Um. None hair, pls.
Lvl 22
I like most any hairdo as long as there a cunt in it
Lvl 8
Originally posted by Demodad68

All I have to say is, some people have to much time on their hands

I agree

What's the point..just take it all off..
Originally posted by dubs15

What's the point..just take it all off..

Why not shave off your eyebrows instead of shaping them? Why not shave your head instead of styling your hair or spending 100's of dollars a year at a stylist?

Maybe not every woman wants to look like a porn actress or "just another bald cunt in a locker room of bald cunts" (not my line but my wife's ).
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