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Pearl necklace girls - updated 10 January

Starter: eenuff Posted: 16 years ago Views: 15.3K
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Lvl 14
I can't remember a thread on here dedicated to the pearl necklace. So here goes.

When choosing pics, I've had some difficulty drawing the line between necklaces, facials and messy blowjobs. It looks like the ISO standard for the pearl necklace is still under development . . .

Do add pics (on topic) if you want.

* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 14
Lvl 14
Lvl 14
And - you guessed it - more . . .
Lvl 14
. . . and

Lvl 14
Some more later, if there's enough interest.
Lvl 7
count me in as interested. good stuff, eenuff.
Lvl 12
great post, keep them cummin'
Lvl 5
Lvl 20
Definately interested!
Lvl 22
Please define the ISO standard with more
Lvl 8
Preferance is to facials, but will definately be checking this one out. 5
Lvl 29
great thread, keep en cumming / thanks
Lvl 6
Awesome thread. I agree. Keep them Cumming!
Lvl 14
Great collection!
Lvl 67
Some very good looking women/girls in this group.
Lvl 10
great start. ladies all look so lovely with cum on them.
Lvl 10
Great thread, nicely "themed" !
Lvl 17
nice work so far, thanks
Lvl 17
And here's one I posted in another thread that fits here
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