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Pale cute gf

Starter: amateur-skin Posted: 16 years ago Views: 4.8K
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Lvl 9
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 13
Nice, thanks for sharing.
Lvl 4
hot girl lucky guy
Lvl 12
she has great tits and a nice ass...
Lvl 16
She's adorable!!
Lvl 6
shes cute, thanks for sharing
Lvl 12
She's not that pale. My gf is MUCH lighter than that. Of course, my gf is a goth chick...
Lvl 7
sweet! but she isn't too pale at all, at least not snow white style
She is really cute and sweet!
Lvl 8
she's HOT!!
Lvl 14
shes very nice.. but a repost
Lvl 13
i don't think she is your girlfriend. and if she is post the proof. where's the sign no sign no proof
Lvl 17
Very sexy and natural looking, thx...
Lvl 32
Girlfriend or not she's hot let's see more
Lvl 12
would love to fuck her butt
Lvl 18
Not tan but I wouldn't call her pale either.
Lvl 13
very good post, thanks mate
Lvl 27
yes. very good post, but think it's a repost, also.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by Muad-dib

yes. very good post, but think it's a repost, also.

it is a repost
Lvl 14
great tits
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