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Olde HDD finds

Starter: SpeeDeaThrash Posted: 15 years ago Views: 1.8K
Lvl 10
I've only tested the waters of adding some of my own archive, typically it would be a repost or some other
violation of terms I overlooked.... I would hope these few would be new to some at least.
And garner me points was my B Day; 8-8-08, but turning out like any non-event TBH.

At the moment I am missing the folder I had intended [but edited earlier] so there will be a delay while I look that up again, however, the story behind them is that the pictures (digital) were collected on an old PC's HDD (Hard disk!) from a Windows 98 Dell desktop. Many were graphic GIFs, or scenic ones,or pets, but a few were interesting nudes and partials as well... An odd find, but I did come across a 1985 porno at the Goodwill once, in Beta!
This won't be pages of finds, mind you, but a few... and some saved I imagine as well, off the Net some time ago.
Lvl 14
love those tits
Lvl 8
She's hott!!!
Lvl 10
More if I have them,
Lvl 10
Thanks for the quick response, that first one is an all time fav, 80s retro, or maybe even '70s?
Sorry, this one is not so nude, but see-thru!
Lvl 10
Kind of a mixed bag that I didn't upload already.
Most of my pics are from here or one other site that borrows from copyright images, so they are
watermarked or site marked. Not sure if these are or not...
Lvl 10
I hope these weren't done before! Second one here->, and first one above, I love to see more of!
Lvl 10
Typically you can't bump your own thread or make multiple replies, but since we're only adding images here, I think it's acceptible
Lvl 8
last one is Carol Cox-Montreal gal featured on Playboy Channel a few days ago...
Lvl 8
thanks to ALL for posting...forgot to mention that above..especially vintage and beach!
Lvl 10
I thought it was me! I love the vintage, as long as it's not too old... 70s and 80s stuff.
Here's a few that remain on this HDD I got handy <G>
Lvl 29
Don't upload pro pictures. Hotlink them.
Lvl 10
I am not sure what isn't, (here and )floating about online. The ones I like all look good, quality wise.