well, those links/pics didn't work for me....
sweet... i see NOTHING...wat pics would that be man??
This is about the fourth time people is asking for nudes of this girl, and i only remember the answer "This girl shows nothing more"
SmellMyCheese 21 years ago
Yeah I made the worst mistake in paying 20 quid to go on her site only to find some boring pic and her going on about how ill her granny is...damn I do feel bad for her but not so bad that I wanted to waste 20 quid
Silverback_G 21 years ago
i wouldnt get too excited... after all its just a spode, and she can keep her clothes on cuz i dont want to smell her nasty pussy!
I know man she is super hot
She's super hot, and smart...how else are you gonna trick guys into paying $20 a month to go to your website and look at pictures of you...but the thing is, you just wear clothing you wear every day! Damn if I was a chick I'd do it.
Hey, I'm new here, but I think I can help you out. There are a few nudes of her floating around the internet. Here are three of them. I have some more, just gotta find 'em first. Consider this my "thanks for having me" gift. Peace!
I don't see three of them. Fucking tease...