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My Sexy 19 y/o GF!

Starter: ctnuke Posted: 16 years ago Views: 35.0K
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Lvl 16
NNNOOOOOOOO not the pussy.. this is WBW, we have a pussy ban here. It stinks up the place..

Hell yes, show me the Honey.
Lvl 12
ctnuke, she has awesome nipples and her pussy looks something to be experienced. your lucky and shes sexy, so
you two keep posting, us that like will hang with ya.
Lvl 11
She's very hot!
Lvl 11
If shes willing to show her body off who are we too complain? isn't that why we are all here?

Some of the images aren't of great quality
But Thanks for the share and some hot photos there
Lvl 10
Ya I took those with my shitty iPhone camera. We just ordered her a new corset in the mail that is really hot and we're gonna do a photoshoot of her in it with her digital camera so it should be better quality
Lvl 11
ahhh that sounds good
Lvl 24
Nice pics. Thanks for sharing.
Lvl 13

thanks for sharing the pics with us mate.. she looks lovely. and as RumDum said, don't mind tsoutsounis and the like.. some newbies got such rotten attitude
Lvl 13
Originally posted by tsoutsounis

You call that sexy? Put a paper bag over her head, maybe then...

somebody is feeling jealous
Lvl 12
absolutely awesome pics - keep going and ignore the stupid people ;P
the funny thing is that those who are talking shit, probably have never even seen a cookie, save for when they are jacking off allover their sticky keyboard. i think she's great!
Lvl 51
she is hot, thx for sharing
Lvl 7
Very cute she has really great tits...keep up the good work and ignore the douche bags!!
Lvl 11
you are one lucky dude.
she's so sexy and pretty much gave me a stiff one!
post more please.
Lvl 8
hey thxs for the share you got nice chix
Lvl 11
i've seen her before but i cant remember the site where i've seen her befor....

but for me thats defently a repost. sorry to let you down on this one, but thanks for sharing anyway.

Lvl 10
Well we've posted on [blacklisted] and [blacklisted]. Was it one of those or something different, cuz id like to know if someone was using our pictures elsewhere
Originally posted by RumDum

What's with all the attitude from everyone. Listen guys, If you don't like what someone post here.
then and don't look.

Hey CTnuke, post away and screw the nOObs. I hope you and your GF have fun here.
Very well said!
Lvl 14
she has a cute face, nice tits, a flat stomach and a great ass. please keep posting.
Lvl 15
I think she's a fine looking chick...your a lucky dude.......ty for the share too
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