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My Friend's GF resting in hotel room

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 15 years ago Views: 44.5K
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Lvl 18
Originally posted by -TonyDanza-

Its possible he sent the phone pic to his voicemail - blew it up on his computer - then uploaded it. If the guy is posting quality pics.. who gives a crap what the story is.

I agree with you entirely. What this comes back to though is the compulsion of posters to have have to put a story to their pics. You'll see, "hot wife cheating" and all you get is chick and a guy. Whether she is cheating or not doesn't show up in the pics. Does she have a ring on or no? What about him? The point is that whether or not she is a cheating wife doesn't get substantiated by the pictures and ultimately don't add anything to the pictures. So why couldn't the thread just be "hot blonde fucking"? But instead we get even the titles of threads produce a back story.

I agree we shouldn't care if the story is true or not. I guess what I'm saying is, why give us the story in the first place? Why does everyone have a story to tell? Just show the hotties.
Lvl 19
No pics ?!?!!! Im dying to see I can criticize his story too. Anyone know where they are?
Lvl 14
i dont give a crap about the guy or what the story is. i'm on here to see some ass. and since this post has NO pics, i'm gonna do what the poster failed to do. i'm gonna walk away & not waste anyone's time.
Lvl 26
I don't know about story,but girl is really hoooot!!!
Lvl 8
Lvl 5
Originally posted by beckstom

Sop being fucking gay,its a pretty girl with her tits out and occasionally some lippage,I dont give a fuck about the story just post the pics,pleeeeeeaaaaaaassssseeeeeeeee
Lvl 21
yea i say keep em comin
Originally posted by -TonyDanza-

Its possible he sent the phone pic to his voicemail - blew it up on his computer - then uploaded it. If the guy is posting quality pics.. who gives a crap what the story is.

I can't understand why people cant just shut the fuck up & let people do their own thing. If you don't like it, then look at a different thread! Why piss peeps off & possibly keep them from posting more? Makes no sense.

I don't understand what you meant in your first sentance. How do you send pictures to your voicemail? And surely if you blew an image up on your computer and then saved it, it wouldn't save the magnifying glass on there would it?

As for the second part of your statment, I actually agree with you to some extent. I don't know why it bothers me so much - afterall, the girl was pretty and we got to see her in various stages of undress. I just don't like liars, I guess it's down to the way I was raised. It really pisses me off. And, yes, I could look at other threads but I chose to view this one so why shouldn't I (and many others) add an opinion? I thought the pictures were great but when someone makes up all this crap about having a camera ready just as his mate's girlfriend stumbled out of bed topless, it really winds me up. Again I'm not sure why, so I apologise if I was partly to blame for him now taking down his 10 or so average quality pics of a pretty-ish girl (if indeed it was him that did so). But there are thousands of other images on this site that aren't accompanied by bollocks so I'm sure we'll survive.
Lvl 5
Originally posted by jhope1


I don't understand what you meant in your first sentance. How do you send pictures to your voicemail? And surely if you blew an image up on your computer and then saved it, it wouldn't save the magnifying glass on there would it?

I meant email. Just trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt.
Lvl 15
lets see more of your spy pics of her
Lvl 26
*** Pics have gone - so thread locked ***
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