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My First Post, My Tits

Starter: MissMia22 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 16.3K
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Lvl 19
If you guys like, please comment... and if your in Baltimore give me a shout. I love to party

* This post has been modified by rainbowdemon : 16 years ago
Lvl 19
sorry the post is sloppy... its my first one... im still practiing haha... and the pic that didnt work sucks anyway
Lvl 18
You are cute. Those are...amazing. Please, can we get your bra size?
Lvl 29
great smile! beautiful breasts
Lvl 18
And actually, I'm near Annpolis. Maryland represents so well on this site.
Lvl 65
Awesome and thanks for sharing, Welcome to the site
Lvl 9
grand titties
Lvl 12
beautiful breasts. thx
Lvl 23
Use [IMG] tags and not html tags should work better
Lvl 23
Lvl 43
Damn baby thems some bigguns...nice
Lvl 18
Last time I saw that much tity, it turned out to be two women smushed together.
Lvl 11
Wow, you're gorgeous!
Lvl 19
mrdorkbutt you are too funny!
Lvl 59
Holy cow, those are some big boobies.

I'm glad I helped get those bad boys posted!
Lvl 27
Mia22 - Are you going to continue to post in this thread? because if you are I will go ahead and delete your other one...

The other thread is gone
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Mia22

mrdorkbutt you are too funny!

I'm just saying, thats 4 tity worth of tity. I dated a girl once who had 1 tity worth of tity. It made me sad. She was cute, but every time I took her bra was like a bad birthday gift. You don't have that problem. You make me happy.
Lvl 17
Damn Home girl, represent! The "Dena" in the house! And please, give us more, much much more!
Lvl 8
lets see more....pretty please with sugar on top
Lvl 15
Nice! let's see the rest!
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