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My EX Gf's sister giving me a blowjob/ proof pics on page 4 for the doubters....

Starter: joeyf525 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 43.5K
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Lvl 8
Well done my friend
Lvl 6
was this all just an excuse to post his dick on wbw
Lvl 65
she's not really all that hot in the first place... what's the big deal?
Lvl 6
Good job to the OP. I didn't need proof, seemed plausible enough to me. I don't have time in life to go around getting bent about some playa maybe or maybe not getting head from an ex's sister. These doubters are entirely too cynical.
Great pics dude, well not of your cock, but the girl is hot
Lvl 8
Originally posted by joeyf525

yes, that's exactly what I did, it has nothing to do with her giving me head, it was the principal. I don't like to be called a liar...It's funny ppl always need something to bitch about. Prior to posting the dick pics they were bitching about the fact that it was fake, now I haven't heard one comment about that or apology because they all realized they were wrong. But now they wanna bitch about the dick pic. It's funny tho if you think about it because from day one of those post everyone's been looking at my dick anyways....Wow you ppl do an excellent job of harassing ppl. I was just tryin to contribute to the site and share some fun pics, this all will definately make me think twice about posting anything in the future....

it's funny that some people always have to be right...and will go to great lengths to prove so-

but thank you for not lying to us.
Lvl 16
someone putting this much effort into making everyone "know" its him, has to be a fake
Lvl 12
did we really need the cock shots?
Lvl 16
Originally posted by Fleke

someone putting this much effort into making everyone "know" its him, has to be a fake

Lvl 8
Originally posted by dmbfan2180

did we really need the cock shots?

yeah... i think i was convinced with the sofa pattern. ;-)
Lvl 10
@this thread
Lvl 13
AHH! Revenge is SWEET dude!! >;-D Nice work!!
Lvl 5
haha gotta love proof
Lvl 2
now thats what I call revenge great job
Lvl 15
Originally posted by xxAsslord

This brings about something awesome Id wanna do... fuck one girl, and get her juices on your dick... then a lil bit later, have her sister suck you off... she wouldnt even realize that her sister's juices were in her mouth hahah... im weird i know.. but hten again i wanna do it with identical twins just cuz its taboo on so many lvls, sisters.. identical twins, and the sisters doing stuff maybe... which is probably wrong.

I had a booty call type relationship with a red-head a few years back , lasted a couple years. I videotaped one encounter with her..She left town a few years back but like a week or so later I screwed her also red-head sister , didnt have the juices per se but I did show her the video of me screwin her sister and that got her kinda hot and we went at it again!!
Lvl 6
Can't believe this. Did he actually posted his cock for comparing. OMFG
Lvl 7
I think he borrowed his buddies dick
Lvl 15
shes got a fabulous pair of boobs
Lvl 7
joey, that was halarious. and way to go on getting it from the sister.

however, to all of you fags who immediately call bs, i was going to post pics a girl from school just sent me of her and her friends on a camping trip, but i have no way of proving its her and i know her, and im not going to risk exposing them just to have bs called on me. so way to screw it up for everyone. but, i am compiling a nice little file of photos of various girls from various conquest over the semester. maybe ill post one day. once again, great job joey, way to show that you...have got some balls..litteraly
Lvl 17
good job
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