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Lil`titties thread

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 17 years ago Views: 85.8K
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Lvl 9
Super thread, awesome pics. Great job Knacki¬¬
Lvl 8
I love small titties!!

Originally posted by briesmith

We need a definition of breast size. Can I suggest the following as a starting scale:

Medium = curvature visible in profile below the nipple with an upward return to the chest wall not exceeding 1/3 of the outer distance between the nipple and the lowest point of the breast
Small = curvature visible in profile below the nipple but with no upward return to the chest wall
Little = no curvature visible in profile below the nipple, breast joins chest wall in a straight line
Tiny = nipple joins directly to chest wall.
Someone put a little too much thought into that...
Lvl 22
Originally posted by JimBuffet

here's a few more for everyone...
[ Image ][ Image ]
great looking wife. thanks for sharing
Lvl 10
#86 is smokin' hot, thx
Lvl 4
a few more, glad you guys like them.
Lvl 6
5 stars all the way great post hurray for the 34b
Lvl 10
Quiet a lot of T & A
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