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Lil`titties thread

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 85.5K
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Please excuse the title , I don`t like the word "little" , talking about boobs .
A lot of threads are about girls with big boobs . But not everyone likes that . A lot of peoples like smaller boobs .

So I decided to make a thraed for all the friends of smaller boobs .

Have fun and enjoy the pics .
Lvl 7
much appreciated concept...those of us who like the smaller chested women will love your thread!
Originally posted by bouray

much appreciated concept...those of us who like the smaller chested women will love your thread!

Thanks for your comment . I hope you will have a lot of fun with the pics .
Lvl 6
Love the smaller boobies, cant resist! 5 all the way
looks good to me!
Lvl 9
very great pix - but they r not "small"
in my opinion their quiet normal.

but i love small/medium boobs, in my mind these oversized boobs r rly ugly :x

gj! and kepp on posting
Lvl 15
i dig this too,thanks.. great thread so far
Itty Bitty titty for me
Lvl 21
Nice stuff my kinda girls
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 22
Originally posted by knacki

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I like smaller boobs too. Gravity gets hold of those big ones and they just don't looks as good as when they were 20.
Lvl 20
Lvl 12
Great thread, thx
Lvl 17
Very nice so far, smaller perky boobs are great!
Lvl 4
Some of the best ass I ever got was from B cup and smaller women!!

Keep it up...any personal pics fellas? I like the posed ones that are posted but would love to see the "girls of WBW" posted...
Lvl 6
Great stuff Always been fond of the small titties
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