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LiL Me

Starter: lilblondie Posted: 14 years ago Views: 175.8K
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20 pages & still no proof pick. I cant believe we let this go so far out of hand , good picks whoever you are
Lvl 11
Great pics.... thank you
Lvl 24
Well, you lost me when I spotted the ring in your lower lip ...'some piercings are tolerable, but the most sensible ones are those that are in places that give you a choice to share them with the world, or keep them private for only special other individuals. I have no idea what you do for a living, or if you have a job or even need one...but even some fast food joints won't hire you with metal in your face .
Does it make a statement?...Oh, Yeah. Does it send the right message about you? ... Well, I think that's 'VERY debatable.
Each to his own, of course, an' I guess I'm overanalyzing a bit, an' probably coming from an ol' fashioned perspective...but I just don't get why otherwise pretty an' attractive people will do this to themselves...Nevertheless...I just live and let live, an' I score 'em the way I see 'em.
Lvl 26
Sweet pix baby,just go on with them!
Lvl 4
Originally posted by snoopy7666

Well, you lost me when I spotted the ring in your lower lip ...'some piercings are tolerable, but the most sensible ones are those that are in places that give you a choice to share them with the world, or keep them private for only special other individuals. I have no idea what you do for a living, or if you have a job or even need one...but even some fast food joints won't hire you with metal in your face .
Does it make a statement?...Oh, Yeah. Does it send the right message about you? ... Well, I think that's 'VERY debatable.
Each to his own, of course, an' I guess I'm overanalyzing a bit, an' probably coming from an ol' fashioned perspective...but I just don't get why otherwise pretty an' attractive people will do this to themselves...Nevertheless...I just live and let live, an' I score 'em the way I see 'em.

it does kinda annoy me when people think certain piercings and tattos take away from a females femininity.
but at least you mentioned it's coming from an old fashioned perspective. However, I can't deny the job situation people will possibly end up in. response to these proof pics, why am I seeing this is the only girl these demands are coming from? have any of the other girls received such doubt? I'd really like to know.
Lvl 4
nice pics ^-^ <3 them
Lvl 18
Originally posted by dyhart response to these proof pics, why am I seeing this is the only girl these demands are coming from? have any of the other girls received such doubt? I'd really like to know.

Every girl I've ever seen come in here (I've been here for 4 years) and claim to be real has been asked for proof pics. Whether or not they provide them is another story but it's always asked. Many times the girls oblige only because it stops the questions and the negative comments but it is totally optional. Plus it tends to make them even more popular because then even the skeptics can enjoy the threads too.

I don't really plan to hook up or talk dirty with any of the girls from the site so proof for me isn't a real big deal. I do understand the point of view of those who ask though. It's just nice to know a person is genuine. I've made the suggestion before that we have a "real person" badge to go under the avatar with the other badges for those who upload proof pics just cause I think it would kind of be cool to know who's real and who's not but nobody else really liked that idea.
Lvl 15
lilblondie, I don't want you to quit posting because there are some pretty hot pic's. But you know that it really doesn't take much for you to write WBW across your chest with lip stick and show the pic. Your taking pics any how whats the big deal. Beautiful girl who ever it is.
Lvl 12
MORE PLEASE! Love them.. I don't need "proof", just more pics! Preferably in action!
Lvl 14
Originally posted by snoopy7666

Well, you lost me when I spotted the ring in your lower lip ...'some piercings are tolerable, but the most sensible ones are those that are in places that give you a choice to share them with the world, or keep them private for only special other individuals. I have no idea what you do for a living, or if you have a job or even need one...but even some fast food joints won't hire you with metal in your face .
Does it make a statement?...Oh, Yeah. Does it send the right message about you? ... Well, I think that's 'VERY debatable.
Each to his own, of course, an' I guess I'm overanalyzing a bit, an' probably coming from an ol' fashioned perspective...but I just don't get why otherwise pretty an' attractive people will do this to themselves...Nevertheless...I just live and let live, an' I score 'em the way I see 'em.

I have 3 facial piercings and i've got a full-time job...
Lvl 18
Yeah, poon-tang, but workin at Spencers Gifts doesn't really count. I'm joking but seriously though I'm sure whatever job you have isn't an ordinary office type job. Of course there's jobs out there where you can have face tattoos and as many piercings as you want but the guy was talking about the vast majority of jobs out there won't hire someone with that kinda stuff.

Personally I think people should do whatever they want. It's their lives. They're the ones who have to go out and try and find jobs with the tattoos/piercings they chose. As long as the person isn't complaining to you saying things like "man, I can't find a job anywhere" then it's not anyone elses business.
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 6
if i want piercings in my face i will do i look at pics of you and tell you how small your dick is no was i nice enough to share my body with all of you yes

so have a lil respect for me didnt your mom raise you better
Lvl 18
she's got a point there. Well except for the mom part, most peoples mom's told them to stay away from girls with piercings and tattoos.

Leave the girl alone people, she's been nice to everybody.
Lvl 8
i think its hot lil...
Lvl 8
i say the more metal and ink the better!
Lvl 18
The more the better? I'm cool with a few cute ones here or there but I definitely have a limit, none of this....

She's right up your alley mibiker
Lvl 8
ok, i will admit there is over the top...but lil' ain't even close
Lvl 59
Originally posted by whatyouare

I'm from PA as well, way to represent!

Me three.

Except I'm cooler than you two.

Lvl 18
Originally posted by mibiker

ok, i will admit there is over the top...but lil' ain't even close

No she's definitely not even close. She looks great with what she has. I just had to throw the extreme out there since you left it wide open.
Lvl 14
I'm with you Lil, get as much as you want! They don't need to look at you if they don't like it!
I'm surprised that this thread is turning into a judgment of the way you look instead of thanking you for sharing your nice looking body.
I want more pics, with the piercings
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