Score: 4.71 Votes: 7
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kinda cute girl with piercings and some tattoos

Starter: z1 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.6K
Lvl 26
Lvl 7
she is amazing almost the hottest female i have ever seen
Lvl 4
sadly. i am not impressed.
Lvl 6
pretty good, she actually looks more promising with her clothes on
It is surprising that her clitoris isn't pierced.
Lvl 13
She looks like a metal lovin' Hillary Duff..

I'd bruise her cervix..
Lvl 12
Lvl 11
I'd hit that fa sho
Lvl 12
sorry guys she's pro
Lvl 9
Originally posted by craigmase

sorry guys she's pro

Where? See her necklace? That's the Hatchetman....meaning she's a Juggalette. Being a Juggalo i believe this is the best post ever and that she is the hottest girl on here yet.......let me know where to find more.
Lvl 9
shes sexy lette
Lvl 24
too much metal for me. thanks anyway
Lvl 3
Originally posted by Killer4u

Where? See her necklace? That's the Hatchetman....meaning she's a Juggalette. Being a Juggalo i believe this is the best post ever and that she is the hottest girl on here yet.......let me know where to find more.

ICP is the gayest rap group ever to walk the planet, and they certainly do not make this chick any hotter by sporting a little gay man running with a hatchet. Sorry just my opinion.
Lvl 14
^^^^^^^^^^ way agreed with ya man. id give you a high five if you were in high five'n range
Lvl 7
I have the perfect metal detector for her.
Lvl 9
to each there own, i mean if you guys like Backstreet Boys or Hilary Duff or whatever that's your biz
Lvl 9
bet she is great in bed, looks like a wild one
Lvl 15
very sexy... !!

thx goldenboy!