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Starter: T-Geo Posted: 16 years ago Views: 50.1K
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Lvl 19
Originally posted by Swiss407

Nice try at the back pedaling. People don't say things like that "just messing about". People say things like that cause they mean it and want people to worship them. It's cool you can play it off but I know better. I've got an ego myself and I like to have it stroked from time to time. You wouldn't even be posting the pics here if you didn't want the attention, there's absolutely no other reason to post pics of yourself on a site like this and there's nothing at all wrong about wanting attention.

It's all good it just annoys the shit outta me to watch men turn into quivering jellyfish over some girl. It's them that bothers me not you necessarily. It makes my whole gender look weak as hell. I just think you would've gotten the worship without asking for it so asking for it makes you look needy.

Oh and if I lighten up anymore I'll be floating. There's very few things I take seriously and none of those things are you or your thread.

get over it and move along to a thread that's more appealing to you. why waste your time just being contrary??
I like to have my ego stroked from time to timefucking tool

Sweet thread TT, lovin it, hope you keep going
Lvl 10
Lvl 24
^^ Great Pic Tina , Time for Bed ?
Lvl 10
lol that's just the spare bed
Lvl 16
Not checked back here for a while, silly me.

Some nice pics here, well very nice pics
Lvl 14
nice boxers tina
Lvl 10
Lvl 16
Hope you took some more shots after that!
Lvl 14
tina are you trying to tell me something?
Lvl 10
Originally posted by thegame14

tina are you trying to tell me something?

and what'd that be?
Lvl 14
Lvl 10
Lvl 14
I think you know what you were saying.
Lvl 14
and it was hot
Lvl 10
lol well it could be one of two things... really
I'm guessing this
Lvl 14
oh good lord!!!
Lvl 10
Originally posted by thegame14

oh good lord!!!

I feel like I've done something wrong from your reactions lol
Lvl 14
no, you have done something very right
Lvl 10
glad to hear it
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