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its been a while but we are back! Pixie pics

Starter: youngcouple2621 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 20.2K
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Lvl 9
hey everybody, its been a looong time but we are back, we have a new username as you can see, we used to post under blitzkil but hey, that was my nic from back when i was like 15 lol so its time we got a new nic that encompasses us both.

so to start us off again here are a few naked yoga pics to wet your appetite. please let us know what you think as we love to read the comments, it just makes us want to post more so keep them cumming (wink) also please lets all follow the advice all our mothers gave us, if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all ^_^

also please feel free to make requests, i cant promise we will get to them all but we will sure as hell try
Lvl 9
Lvl 4
Alright! Welcome back. Excellent start, keep em coming!
Lvl 7
Very cute
Lvl 15
very nice welcome back
Lvl 12
great to see ya back posting.....
Lvl 14
Tell us again how she has amazing control over her pussy! In great detail. Pleeease.
Lvl 3
I love the both of you, welcome back!
Lvl 6
nice to see youre back...thanx for the share
Lvl 6
Welcome back! Great to see you again of course and can't wait to see more.
More public nudity and more hot ass pix of pixie!
Lvl 6
Two requests.

On your back, with legs spread.
On your knees, ass up in the air and pussy between your legs.

If you could do these, I'd be extremely horny. :P
Lvl 14
on the couch ... legs spread ... holding your pussy lips open ...with a finger in your mouth with your dirtiest look! x
Welcum back and thank you for sharing!
Lvl 7
Originally posted by leonhart

Two requests.

On your back, with legs spread.
On your knees, ass up in the air and pussy between your legs.

If you could do these, I'd be extremely horny. :P

uhm..What else could be between her legs?
Lvl 14
Lvl 7
Originally posted by black.sun


uhm..What else could be between her legs?

The question is not what else could be between her legs, but how could she put it anywhere but between her legs
Lvl 14
maybe in her handbag for safe keeping lol
Lvl 21
another youngcouple? and with glasses also hmm still no trouble telling them apart. Oh and you said us, is the other half male or female?
Originally posted by waywardson

another youngcouple? and with glasses also hmm still no trouble telling them apart. Oh and you said us, is the other half male or female?

yes it's a bit confusing
Lvl 9
she great hot ass
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