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I was frightened off of this forum but now I'm back

Starter: isabellnewman Posted: 16 years ago Views: 13.5K
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Lvl 8
A few weeks ago I ventured onto this forum. It was my first attempt at joining a forum and I didn't know what to expect. The amount of venom and hatred directed at me was such a shock that I didn't dare come back. Since then I have joined forums where this nasty attitude doesn't exist. I decided today to give this forum one more chance and I was rewarded by a whole bunch of wonderfully supportive messages from rather more adult forum members. Thank you for those messages. Quite a few of you asked to see a little more of me so I am delighted to oblige with a few more pictures. I would like to stay on this forum and all I ask is that you give me the same courtesy I promise to give you. You may not agree with me, you may not like me but that doesn't give anyone the right to be abusive. Thanks

Lvl 16
WOW.. I love the panties.. wish i could have a pair.. your really sexy!! i'd fill your pussy up..
Lvl 12
Welcome back, thanks for giving it a second try.

Nice pics, by the way.
Nice pics, thanks for posting them.
Great pics would love to see more
Lvl 6
Shame others would try to spook you off,,,, sorry about that,,, glad you came back,,,,,
Hi Isabell
Thanks for coming back , trying to give everyone a second chance . The pics are great , a sweetie ! No need to be shy , post more if you like !
I like the pics , and I`m quite sure , I`m not the only one !
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 18
Good luck on your second try, sorry some people gave you a hard time the first time around.

Why are the pics so small though?
Lvl 13
welcome have fun..
Lvl 28
There are a few people on here who tend to be a little over the top, but just ignore them..

...they don't have super cool avatars like Bangles, Lindros and I..
Lvl 18
Originally posted by knacki

Hi Isabell
Thanks for coming back , trying to give everyone a second chance . The pics are great , a seetie ! No need to be shy , post more if you like !
I like the pics , and I`m quite sure , I`m not the only one !

Lvl 6
great pics... thanks for sharing
Lvl 21
<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEyMTcyNjMzODE4OTkmcHQ9MTIxNzI2MzQyNzA*MCZwPTI4MTk4MSZkPSZuPSZnPTE=.jpg" />
Lvl 14
Lvl 22
welcome back, izzy, and thanks for the pics. sorry some members were rude to you. most of us aren't.

Lvl 12
your pics are as beautiful as on your first post. glad you came back and i hope you
have a much better time this time. selfishly i hope you post no matter the responce,
but i do hope you get a much deserved warm welcome this time. thanks again for comeing
back and i hope to see and here more from you.
Lvl 12
your pics are as beautiful as on your first post. glad you came back and i hope you
have a much better time this time. selfishly i hope you post no matter the responce,
but i do hope you get a much deserved warm welcome this time. thanks again for comeing
back and i hope to see and here more from you.
Lvl 20
Well, the reaction of any users of any forum are directly related to the actions of the newbie.

That said, glad you're back and gave it another try. For what it's worth, I think that's how it went for all of us at one stage or another.

I think my first post ever was one where I was after some obscure girl's pictures and hadn't contributed anything or even made any posts. And yeah, I heard about it too.

That's how it goes. If one can get over that hump, they're fine. If they can't... Well, then they probably ought not be here to begin with.

Welcome back.
Originally posted by deathbyboredom

your pics are as beautiful as on your first post. glad you came back and i hope you
have a much better time this time. selfishly i hope you post no matter the responce,
but i do hope you get a much deserved warm welcome this time. thanks again for comeing
back and i hope to see and here more from you.

the pics should be as beautiful as first post there stills from same video lol
Lvl 23
Good choice and thanks.
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