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I Miss You Baby

Starter: tiredeyes Posted: 16 years ago Views: 3.2K
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Lvl 22
Lvl 22
Lvl 22
Lvl 22
Lvl 22
Lvl 22
Lvl 11
thanks, she's cute but who the fuck takes a picture of their snatch with a string hanging out for themselves or their boyfriend, unless he likes to go down during aunt flo's visit.
Lvl 7
Some one has or want's to earn the fine distinction the "red wings" On a bad night I signed up, joined the ranks, then went AWOL once I woke up.
Lvl 11
shes hot. nice post
Lvl 8
She so hot, I would light that fuse sticking out of her cooter!
Lvl 7
There is more, even some videos. She comes off as dumb as a brick, but she is cute
Lvl 11
Originally posted by spin-her180

thanks, she's cute but who the fuck takes a picture of their snatch with a string hanging out for themselves or their boyfriend, unless he likes to go down during aunt flo's visit.

How appropriate, right as I read this, Pussy Lovers from From Dusk Till Dawn's soundtrack came up on shuffle...
Lvl 4
woe,woe. wait a minute. whats a cooter?
Lvl 18
I miss u to
Lvl 15
i thought she'd forgotten about me?
Lvl 13
Originally posted by SXE666

woe,woe. wait a minute. whats a cooter?



Lvl 13
see you can learn from WBW as well it not just about cars anymore
Lvl 13
Lvl 11

i miss her to she's realy hot
Lvl 38
I Miss You Too, Honey!!!!

Great Pics...
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