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Hot house wife

Starter: tieoneon22 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 4.8K
Lvl 30
Lvl 8
She's hot alright, thanks (beer)
Lvl 8
nice housewife there ps thx foe sharing anymore
Lvl 31
looks good to me
Lvl 26
Hot like fire.
nice pics. Are there more?
Lvl 10
Fantastic !!
Lvl 7
She is hot. Where's her ring, though?
Originally posted by katchem

She is hot. Where's her ring, though?

dude... open your eyes

focus on the ring
Lvl 16
What a beauty...
Lvl 22
Originally posted by nerph

dude... open your eyes

focus on the ring
Not on the ring finger of the left hand - standard in the US. What are other countries customs - or should that be in a different forum?
Lvl 8
Your wife is smokin'! I've been checking out some more hot wives at Escort! Some of them are right ol' boilers but give me a laugh nonetheless!

Worth checking out if you want some free porn in exchange for tagging content! I do it on the sly at work..