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Hi all! My name is Judith! (New to WBW)

Starter: JudysBooty Posted: 12 years ago Views: 30.6K
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Lvl 6
How's everyone doing today? I hope great! My name is Judy Green!

Well, here's a brief explanation about me.

I was born in England in 1954 and moved to the States (New Jersey) about 5 years ago, roughly. Me and my hubby have been into photography and such when it comes to me and my great big butt!

Any-hoot, it has been hard for us to find an active and fun forum to share myself with as of late, so I came across WBW via a search engine and decided to give it a shot!

Well, I hope to hear positive things from all of you and I am looking forward to talking to ya'll soon! Xoxo

BTW My hubby is a great photographer? Isn't he?
Lvl 6
Since spandex and tights seem to me what all the younger woman wear nowadays, I'll delight ya'll with some pics of me wearing them!
Lvl 6
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Done for now! Have to go out and run some errands! Please leave feedback and tell me what you'd like to see! Thanks! XOXO
Lvl 33
Great to see that you appreciating what a fantastic butt you have.

Hope to see more !
Lvl 14
I that ass... I want to to it. Please post more!!! And Welcome
Lvl 6
Originally posted by dlks

Great to see that you appreciating what a fantastic butt you have.

Hope to see more !

Thank you Dlks! I really do take pride in my body, especially at my age. Believe it or not, my butt has gotten bigger and more proportioned with my older age. Now I just have to try and keep it that way!
Lvl 6
Originally posted by t0ne

I that ass... I want to to it. Please post more!!! And Welcome

Hehe xoxo! Well I am glad that I make you feel that way t0ne! Feel free to pleasure yourself at any time for me!
Lvl 6
Ok! I am back from my busy day! I am going to continue to add some more pics for ya'll! XoXo
Lvl 29
Very fine!!

I'd love to see more!!!!

Lvl 6
Since the Summer is here, I am going to change my theme to the beach for you guys! Hope you like!
Lvl 6
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Lvl 6
Enough beach booty for ya'll? HEHE! Anyway, I do have some hardcore action of me and hubby! BUT I think that'll have to wait until ya'll prove to really be into what I am offering!
Lvl 6
So, how many of you are a LOT younger than me? Say, in your 20s-early 30s? It really turns me on to know that I still can get a younger man excited, if you know what I mean!

I would love to know how many young men are on here and would rather have me as their "girlfriend" than the 20-something yr old girlfriend that they currently have!

Please let me know and be interactive! XOXO
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