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Groups of Nude Girls

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 12 years ago Views: 24.3K
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We love naked girls. Why not see them in �bulk�?

* This post has been modified by Punnani : 12 years ago

* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 17
Love it
Groups of naked chicks are just fantastic.



Lvl 9
how to join these groups???

Lvl 4
I love groups
Lvl 28
so sweet

*** Please do not use so many Emoticons ***
* This post has been modified by Punnani : 12 years ago
Lvl 14
An ex-girlfriend of mine was bi but none of her friends (except one) knew it. When she and a group of her friends would go to the beach, she would almost always get them to do a group topless shot right before they left for the day. She would get crazy horny seeing their boobs, especially if they did one of those shots where they were all holding the boobs of the girl beside or in front of them. Then she'd come to my place and we'd have a blast while she told me about it and ho w horny it made her.

Ahhh, good times. But sorry, no pics. That girlfriend pre-dates the computer/internet era.
Lvl 5
awesome thanks
Lvl 14
would really appreciate the others from these girls I know of one where they circle up and give each other hand bras
Lvl 14
5 stars
great post keep them coming!
Lvl 24
love these pictures. i always wonder how the picture came about. i never get naked or topless when i'm with a huge group of my girlfriends. not generally. and theres definitely not a camera involved
Lvl 14
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

love these pictures. i always wonder how the picture came about. i never get naked or topless when i'm with a huge group of my girlfriends. not generally. and theres definitely not a camera involved

I'm with FeFe. On the handful of occasions where I was lucky enough to see multiple chicks get naked,
a camera would have shut down the whole operation...quickly. My guess is that they're friends hanging out
after the strip club. Either way, it gives one hope that something like this is possible. (beer)
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