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Great advert for mountain climbing

Starter: slippery-donkey Posted: 17 years ago Views: 6.5K
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Lvl 9
that is sweet thanks for the post
Lvl 7
let me hang in her cliff
Lvl 7
Great for a photo-op, but I've done some real rock climbing, and I was glad I wasn't naked or even partly naked when I did it. There are some tender parts that don't do well dragging across rough surfaces ---- ouch. Definitely would put a damper on some of the tent and campfire activities when the group is winding down encamped for the evening.
Lvl 10
Originally posted by deb1984

Great for a photo-op, but I've done some real rock climbing, and I was glad I wasn't naked or even partly naked when I did it. There are some tender parts that don't do well dragging across rough surfaces ---- ouch. Definitely would put a damper on some of the tent and campfire activities when the group is winding down encamped for the evening.

I was thinking along those same lines.
Lvl 9
i would her
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