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Gothic Girls (nobody likes?)...) (Huge Update - 11/21 - page 3)

Starter: afranio Posted: 16 years ago Views: 16.2K
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Lvl 15
Guys, here are some gothic girls, i am really crazy for tehm... if you have more pics, feel free to post them... tomorrow I will post some more, now I am having some troubles with the hard disk they are on...
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 15
Lvl 12
I do love the goth girls.
MMmmmmm, i support this thread in all it's glory. god bless the goth girls.

ahem... so long as they aren't the fat girls using goth as a way to be interesting that is. ^^
Lvl 13
freaky girls,, i love it
Lvl 16
^^ agreed..

Nice pics.. (except perhaps that first one, her tits scare me..)
Lvl 13
I have some in my files, I need to dig them out so I can post here.
Lvl 12
Lvl 11
All of those girls but one are alternative/scene besides the girl with the chains on her.
Lvl 14
I share your passion m8... thx nice pics (psst... "post more"
Lvl 11
fuckin a. girls like that are so damn hot. can't explain why but i'm just drawn to them...
Lvl 7
Love them all
Lvl 7
yea dawg that is some good shit. cant wait for more.
Lvl 15
Originally posted by Pabst

All of those girls but one are alternative/scene besides the girl with the chains on her.

Sorry, I still don´t get this "scene" thing... maybe I am too old to understand... I still think of they as goth, but I think that goths don´t exist anymore...
Lvl 15
Guys, I am having some heavy problems with the hard disk here.. I don´t know if I can save the pics, I hope so... so, if you have more, put it on here!!1 Sorry for starting a wonderful thread and don´t knowing if I can finish it... my shame.. I am counting with your help... if everything be resolved, I will post more nice pics... I hope...
Lvl 8
is that it? more more more!
Lvl 6
better if busty...
Lvl 15
Guys, now it´s official - mine other hard disk is dead, and with him, all my collection of pics... sorry, I will really try to find more and make this thread alive again... meanwhile, please, post the ones that you have, so all f us con see something dark and nice... Again, forgive me...(hang)
Lvl 15
Here is a suggestion: *PiRo* has done a great thread with some "scene" girls... besides the fact that I don´t understand waht is "scen", some of them are very hot... here is the link:
It deserves 5 stars!!!
How can you tell their goth, without the clothes and all the crappy make-up? (oh wait, thats just the goth guys that wear that stuff)

hot girls
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