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Getting dissapointed

Starter: mickster Posted: 21 years ago Views: 1.4K
Lvl 14
First, let me preface with that I do appreciate all the time and hard work the owners of this site have put in.

But...I thought this might be a place to see fresh, new, and different pictures. But lately, all I see posted are rehashed pictures of women that have been on the net for years. Some are lifted right off of established sites, some are taken from sites that have been around for years.

I would dare say, of the last 100 pictures, 90 of them are copies of what has already been posted elsewhere. The site is getting painfully redundant. Rarely is anything original, and never are the pictures credited to where they were lifted from.

I can understand you wanting donations- and I most happily would donate, if there was more original content. But why pay for something I've already seen before?

Sorry, that's just the way I feel.
Lvl 14
Well, thank you for your concern and I will keep this in mind when I upload my next pics. Your persuasion and reasoning skills are very good and your writing is easy to understand. Thank you for that astute statistical analysis Oh by the way,I appreciate your original looking contributions as well
Lvl 19
Youse guys talk reallys good.
I'm with Uncle_Bud, put up or shut up, and don't use a big word where a diminutive one will suffice
Lvl 14
But what you don't understand, is that I actually know that woman, and those are legit pictures.

Not something stolen off of another website, that I claim to be mine. They were taken by a profession photographer, yes. But they have not been published on the web.

I'll go slow, maybe you don't understand.

It's ORIGINAL content, not REDUNDANT content that would make this site better.

* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 14
Okee we try to put on new pictures on this site This is a site for people en by people. We try to inspire people to put foto's on the site so everybody can enjoy them. Some of the postings are very good and very amateur, we like that and so other people on this site. So if you like this site upload your favorite amateur pics of bautifull girls/cars and we all can enjoy them.

We have +/- 40.000 visitors a day and we all can make a succes story of this site and enjoy it for many years.

For the future we have some great ideas for a came zone and movie zone and other inspiring ideas so we are very bussy to make this site more wanted.

Lvl 12
It is very unfortunate, but also very true, that lately more and more pictures have been duplicates or professional/copyrighted pictures. However, since we do not have the resources to verify the origin of every picture, we (the moderation crew here @ WBW) must only rely on our memory and own duplicate spotting systems (which are still at an early stage of development) to weed out all the pics we can.

We're hoping everyone willing would use the reporting function to tell us if they suspect a picture shouldn't be on WBW, for whatever reason. However, if our crew cannot confirm the copyright status of the picture, we'll leave it be until someone formally requests the removal of said picture.

Also, if a picture is on a public domain site and clearly under no copyright restrictions, we will not delete the picture, think of it as making double sure the picture survives to be viewed by the horny teenagers of the future.

What can you do to help weed out pictures?

*submit an URL where this picture, or any clear variation of it resides
*send info to the owner of said picture to make a formal request of removal
*list sites that contain copyrighted pictures (preferably a site that has legal rights to the pictures) and send the lists to us, so we can use them to further educate our crew
*Anything else you can think of, save trying to shut us down

* Public Service Announcement ends, thankyou for your patience *
Lvl 12
Every one has diferant tastes some people like the same old re-hashed pics, some like the new ones. Its just like some men like tits, others may rather like to see an ass. See where I'm going with this. Just because you and other people of like mind think that some thing is boring dosn't mean that every one thinks the same. This is probably one of the best resorses for porn on the net that I have found so far.

If you are looking for something diferant from what you see why don't you just post a request in the forums for it. I am sure that there are others that may know where you can find what your looking for. Putting down the site because you cant find something new to jerk off to is no way to help anything.

I'm not trying to put you down, just trying to point you in a better direction. Rember, if your not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.
I'm 21 years old, and I have been looking at porn on the internet since I was 15. I've actually seen a couple of pics on this site that I remember seeing when I first got the internet. But that's not a bad thing. It's nice sometimes to see a picture you haven't seen in a long time. As stupid as it sounds, some of these pics bring back memories of music I used to listen to, fun I used to have with high school friends, and even the house I used to live in. Sure, it's porn, but it's a picture nonetheless, and as such can inspire memories just as any other picture can. So while I understand the argument that not all of these pictures here are exclusive to WBW, I appreciate that they are available for me to see here. Look at it this way, instead of going to all the different sites that these pics came from, we can come to this ONE site and enjoy them all. Kinda like making a mix cd. Sure, the songs are from other albums, but you don't want to change CDs 10 times during a car ride to listen to your favorite tunes. I say the WBW crew is doing an awesome job of making available to us free material with which we can amuse ourselves and our college buddies. Long live WBW.
Lvl 12
Well put
Lvl 12
I agree too.....Long live WBW...Keep up the good work..