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Starter: SXE666 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 8.9K
Lvl 4
ez does it.
Lvl 4
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Lvl 26
Very good start,more please.
Lvl 7
great pics, but what makes them economic downturn girls? Do they live in Detroit or something?
Lvl 16
Originally posted by 999111

great pics, but what makes them economic downturn girls? Do they live in Detroit or something?

I suspect it is because none of them seem to be able to afford much in the way of clothing, and a few can't afford razors.
Lvl 2
Or a lot of them are just ugly ... thats how I interpreted it /shrug Like normal good economy would be super hot chicks but now it's a crappy economy so its like we all have to cut back, including on the looks of the chicks. I don't know but I think my way is more funny.
Lvl 26
I guess these girls are from Belize and I think that is not too much rich country!
Lvl 4
dayum. You are all right. Yeah, razors can get pricy.