Score: 4.13 Votes: 15
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Clothed/Unclothed Comparisons

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 15 years ago Views: 33.6K
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I happened across these shots and thought I'd share them since I don't recall seeing them here before.
Forgot to mention, they're all German girls from what I understand.
That's all I have, so I'll leave this an open thread for anyone that has more of them or similar.
Lvl 14
Nice idea, but the pics seem really strange because of the weird looks on the girls' faces and the fact that the images of the faces in each pair are completely identical showing that there is some photoshopping - but perhaps that's the point?
Lvl 5
Originally posted by eenuff

Nice idea, but the pics seem really strange because of the weird looks on the girls' faces and the fact that the images of the faces in each pair are completely identical showing that there is some photoshopping - but perhaps that's the point?

Not just their faces... their arms, hands, legs, hair and basically everything but the clothes on their torsos are EXACTLY the same.
But as you said, this may be the point... a photoshopper's skill demonstration
Lvl 8
Someone this good & imaginative could make someone into a "pose-pornstar" whether said person wanted the job or not. I'd like to see more as well!
Lvl 20
It's sort of like get to see what you imagine!!
Lvl 24
Some are hot (potentially), some are not...unfortunately, all appear as lifeless mannequins with vacuous blank faces...perhaps the PhotoShop artistry IS the's an interesting study. Unfortunately, it reminds too much of the coloring books my sister used to have when we were children that let you clip various outfits on a picture of a girl or a Barbie & Ken, I guess...
There are some nice bodies in there, but rather cold and lifeless, so the hotness score is low, but give points where points are due...the creator of this deserves a Snoopy salute.
Lvl 14
i like dressed/undressed photos
Lvl 7
They are photoshoped
Lvl 12
which are the real ones? the nude or unnude?
Lvl 18
These are made by a German artist. You can see all he has at and scroll through the people. Beware, as there are old women and dudes but their clothes will not disappear until you hover the mouse over them.
Originally posted by Conan_OBrian

These are made by a German artist. You can see all he has at[ Link ] and scroll through the people. Beware, as there are old women and dudes but their clothes will not disappear until you hover the mouse over them.

That explains a lot, thanks for the find!
Lvl 2
The bizarre thing is that they are all Hairless
Lvl 6
I really like this. Conan thanks for the link to original artist. This goes to the thing i can't deny or stop which is undressing every women I see... wondering what they look like under their clothes... very interesting. And the last post... before I read your comment I was scrolling along and thinking that there is probably a whole generation of people growing up now that think that all women are smooth.. I have not seen a women under 30 that has hair in a few years. Funny thing to analyse what's going on here except the fact t that maybe more women are viewing porn ... or more guys are vocal that it's more fun to go down when the mound is smooth.
Lvl 26
Not bad.
Lvl 5
I think it's amazing the differences in body types with and without clothes on. . .some women just look better with clothes on, no?!?
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