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Chosen's Return... Part-1

Starter: thechosen29 Posted: 11 years ago Views: 45.8K
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Lvl 14
Happy to be back with my old gang!
You can always leave WBW, but somehow WBW never leaves you.... go figure!
If I do some reposts, well forgive me. And if that isn't enough to calm your hatred... well blow me

Don't forget to vote sir's and madam's
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 14
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Lvl 14
Tabrew finds this awesome.
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Lvl 14
Lvl 25
Nice thread , and welcome back.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by britmonkey
Nice thread , and welcome back.

Thanks Brit
Lvl 30
Yes, welcome back. I've always enjoyed your Posts. 5 ***** to start you off. Syd.
Welcome back, some nice shots in this post. Keep it up.
Very good Postings. Thanks a lot...
Lvl 14
oh my god! there are some perfect ladies out there!
Lvl 14
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