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Busty Teen Hairy Pussy Self Shot Pics

Starter: jbsjp Posted: 16 years ago Views: 7.4K
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Lvl 2
Lvl 14
Great addition! Thanks!
Lvl 27
there are hairs between her legs! mmmhh...

as i say always:
Let me clue you in. The women who you see in the dirty pictures on the web with no pubic hair... they're NOT REAL.
They represent a porn-created fetish for shaved pubis. Since you obviously have not ever had sex with a real woman... THIS IS WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE!

btw: could you repair that:
my favorite type of pussy. wow nice pics!
very nice body. thanks.
Lvl 54
Very hot girl!

Lvl 12
hot indeed...
Lvl 15
Not hairy enough to scare me away! Liked it, hot girl...
she got a good eye for erotic photography, she obviously is aware of the fact, that she has a nice body and wants to share this with the rest of the world. I think her hair adds another dimension of fine aesthetic of her body.
Well done.
Lvl 14
She has a busted face. But her body is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaantastic. Hairy pussy, shaved pussy... whatever. It's nice.
Lvl 15
Very hot, thanks for the pixs
Lvl 21
Nice! Very Nice!
Lvl 26
Great boobs,but shaved pussy would be better!
Lvl 20
Excellent post. I personally really dislike bald / shaved nether-regions on women. Shave under the arms, legs, control the facial hair, but for the love of god don't shave the best part!
Lvl 7
A beautiful hair pie...a terrific tits......
Lvl 7
Not Bad!
Lvl 8
I like very much, thanks!
Lvl 18
very nice pics.... thanks for sharing!
Lvl 10
Thx for sharing, gorgeous girl
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