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Babes and Intelligence...for your life

Starter: badboy65260 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 10.7K
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Lvl 9
Originally posted by badboy65260

First, Did you know...

A statue of a person on a horse, if the horse has both feet in the air, the person died in battle?
if the horse has one foot in the air, the person died from wounds sustained in battle?

and if the horse has both feet on the ground, the person died of natural causes.

Thats intellegence for on with the babes...

Ahh but you didn't know that if a horse has a hard on, it buggered the person riding it...
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 43
Did you know...

Did you know that the phrase ‘playing hooky’ comes from the Dutch word ‘hoekje,’ which means ‘hide and seek?’ That’s why ‘playing hooky’ now means to skip work or school – usually do to something fun.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 43
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 43
Originally posted by cyberus

First, Did you know...

A statue of a person on a horse, if the horse has both feet in the air, the person died in battle?
if the horse has one foot in the air, the person died from wounds sustained in battle?

and if the horse has both feet on the ground, the person died of natural causes.

Thats intellegence for on with the babes...

Ahh but you didn't know that if a horse has a hard on, it buggered the person riding it...

* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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