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Amateur wallpapers

Starter: Broker Posted: 16 years ago Views: 25.3K
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Lvl 17
I make wallpapers, a lot of wallpapers, so I thought I would contribute.


Check out my famous chicks wallpaper thread
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 21
Great post but there should be no more than twenty pics per post
Lvl 17
oops, they are all hosted off site tho, hope I'm not in too much trouble.
Lvl 21
Damn, that's a shitload of thumbs per post. Maybe limit it to less than 20, like the rules state.
Lvl 14
Lvl 8
great pics! thanks for sharing!
Originally posted by Broker

oops, they are all hosted off site tho, hope I'm not in too much trouble.

we wont kill ya or extract teeth out from loved ones..
but in future could you please limit them to 20 images per post

obviously you havent been told, so im letting you know nicely since youre a sponsor member

some great wallpapers though
Lvl 32
I like survivor whore island, now how do I get there
Lvl 27
not bad! i like this pic's! **

*building slide show*
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Latino


we wont kill ya or extract teeth out from loved ones..

Hey! Speak for yourself dude.

Yeah, 20 per post please. All in the rules sticky which we would appreciate if you read through.
Lvl 17
Oh come on, no one reads sticky's
I promise to change my errant ways in the future.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Broker

Oh come on, no one reads sticky's
I promise to change my errant ways in the future.

Careful or I might reconsider letting it stay.

Lvl 14
Five stars from me, 20 or not. It's a great post.
Lvl 17
Obeying the rules this time
Lvl 17
Lvl 17
Lvl 17
Lvl 17
Lvl 17
amateur wallpapers wow... i always wanted to have on my pc a wallpaper of my gf but i cant...
i just made one of her. what do you think
Lvl 13
Very nice thread broker!
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