Score: 3.89 Votes: 9
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amateur girl

Starter: cecilia0 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 6.6K
Lvl 7
check this
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 14
i give you 30 mins before the Mods give you a telling off over your title.
however shes good more plz
Lvl 15
i'll comment - why do you call her a slut? you wanna show a bit of respect - DICKHEAD!

other than that - she's quite nice!
Lvl 21
Lvl 6
Love the tits!
Lvl 12
I think she is very hot!!!
Lvl 13
Thanks for posting.
No idea why people use demeaning titles or references towards women in/on public forums.
Regardless of personal feelings people should use 'polite' terms.
After all its all these sweet girls that let men take their pictures that we all drool over.
Lvl 29
very nice titties
Lvl 19
Beautiful girl. You can tell she's still breastfeeding.
Lvl 4
Damn, she's fucking hot!! do you have more?
Lvl 15
nice tits. Too bad about the stretch marks though.
Lvl 19
Love her. She reminds me of my wife right after having kid (body shape/tits) to the T. (Probably an Asian thing).
Lvl 26
Her tits are beautiful.
Lvl 53
I like her.

Lvl 7
Very nice thanks. I'd like to see her in action.
Lvl 13
nice, whys she with a looser like u?
Lvl 10
Don't care for hairy pussies, but thanks