Score: 3.83 Votes: 6
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What do you think?

Starter: jetjaguar Posted: 16 years ago Views: 1.1K
Lvl 8
What do you guys think of her, I think she is lovely,

Lvl 8
Lvl 44
I am sure those particular pictures do her no justice because as they are she looks very average but shows ALOT of potential!

Lvl 7
Lvl 10
Good start, but of course Naked would be better
Lvl 8
Here is more i posted before, sorry i have no nudes
Lvl 27
Who cares if she is not nude, she is a very pretty woman
Lvl 16

I'd hit it..
Lvl 11
She has that innocent look. It gets me every time.
Lvl 8
some new ones

Nice legs....Cute girl.
Lvl 26
I did her up the ass last night, but she would not let me take any nude pics either !
Lvl 8
Updates you guys

Lvl 8
Lvl 8
Shes a keeper..... get a ring on her finger before I do!!!