Score: 4.93 Votes: 27
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sam with the perfect ass and a coke bottle body

Starter: z1 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 8.2K
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Lvl 26
Lvl 6
Absolutely stunning. By far one of the best bodies i have seen.
I am hanging on for more, good show.

nuff said.
She really has an amazing ass! Can't wait to see more of her!
Lvl 18
Gotta be one of the best asses ever. Ya gotta wonder how that ass even happened with such a tiny waist. It's one of those one in a million kinda miracles Wish we could see her face though.
Lvl 26
Lvl 4
Ho lee shit!
Lvl 7
please sit on my fucking face!
Lvl 51
she has a great body!
Lvl 12
very nice.thank's.
Lvl 24
Great ass
Lvl 14
Lvl 26
Absolutely amazing!!!
Lvl 26
perfection at is best!
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