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My girlfriend is REALLY hot!

Starter: 80k Posted: 16 years ago Views: 3.0K
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Lvl 8
Shes 18. Veryy small waist. Perfect 32DD breasts, not to mention a gorgeous face :]

Anyways, shes been interested in doing some kind of modeling, web camming etc.
More than likely non-nude...

Does anyone know of a good website where she can make decent money doing something like that?
Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 8
Man, nice pix! Girl is hot!
Lvl 8
Man, nice pix! Girl is hot!
Lvl 59
Well, I could recommend a few places, but in order to get an idea of the category of site she'd best fit in with I'll need to be seeing more pictures. Preferably with terts and vagoo

Lvl 8
I'm kinda reluctant to post anything too revealing for the time being
consider yourselves lucky!

oh but really- if someone can lead us to a good website... i'll see what i can do in return.... :]
Lvl 11
I've seen these before. Def not your gal.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by Pabst

I've seen these before. Def not your gal.

No you haven't because i took them yesterday and haven't uploaded them anywhere else on the web.

But thank you Pabst for brining it to my attention though that some of you, yourself being a perfect example, dont have girlfriends near as hot as mine and will be jealous and make unfactual claims that its "not my girlfriend".

soo for this reason, here i am sitting on the very same leopard couch against a wall of blue white and grey graffitti.
the same couch where i fuck my really hot girlfriend:

and thenn me again in a different pic with MY GIRLFRIEND:

andd me 1 more time with a sign just for you pabst:

* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 25
Post more pix, she looks hot, but not as hot as Lindros when he's oiled up and wearing tight pants.
Lvl 13
Indeed your girlfriend is really hot. Thanks for sharing
Lvl 6
Originally posted by 80k


No you haven't because i took them yesterday and haven't uploaded them anywhere else on the web.

But thank you Pabst for brining it to my attention though that some of you, yourself being a perfect example, dont have girlfriends near as hot as mine and will be jealous and make unfactual claims that its "not my girlfriend".

soo for this reason, here i am sitting on the very same leopard couch against a wall of blue white and grey graffitti.
the same couch where i fuck my really hot girlfriend:
[ Link ]

and thenn me again in a different pic with MY GIRLFRIEND:
[ Link ]

andd me 1 more time with a sign just for you pabst:
[ Link ]

lol ouch
Lvl 29
With all the high quality porn on the internet, do you really think anyone is actually going to pay for NN "teaser" material?

You people need to get over yourselves!!
Lvl 18
Agreed the girl is hot.

On to your modeling questions. There's no money really in non nude modeling on websites. Non nude models only make money doing magazines, ads, endorsement work, etc.

There are really good modeling websites which I won't advertise here that one of my ex girlfriends and a friend use to get paying jobs through. With modeling experience is everything so it's not something she will dive right into and start making money at unless she gets incredibly lucky. Girls as beautiful as her in the modeling industry are a dime a dozen so while she is gorgeous, in that world they're all gorgeous.

At first girls have to start out doing what is called TFP work or "trade for pictures". That's where a new model hooks up with an experienced photographer and they do a photoshoot for free. The photographer gets to use the pictures in his portfolio or for his own profit and the model gets experience and also gets the pictures for her portofolio which is invaluable to a new model especially if the pictures are with a respected photographer who's already established himself. After she gets a portfolio established by doing TFP work then she'll start to get paying jobs. Like any career it takes time to build, unless your out at a club and get spotted by some modeling mogul and he jump starts your career then TFP work is how most models get their start. Even the mega models who are on covers everytime you walk in the store mostly got their start doing something similar.

She can also just try going from modeling agency to agency but tell her to be very careful most modeling agencies are just out to fuck her with contracts and will rarely if ever find her jobs and if they do find her jobs they will be shitty and possibly hurt her career more then help it. I personally know 2 girls who now make all of their income (and quite a decent income) off of modeling alone and started in the exact manner that I just described.

The modeling industry can be compared to the drug industry in that they are both equally shady and full of incredibly corrupt people who will take advantage of her and tear her down to pocket just a small amount of money. Make sure she's a tough girl before even attempting it. Mentally weak girls get chewed up very quickly in a world as competitive as professional modeling. I wish the best of luck to both of you. If you're interested in the websites that my friends got their start with send me a PM and I'll be glad to help.
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 25
send me naked pix of her and I will sign you up. I am a top model producer/photographer agent type bloke. I can guarantee you almost a million lira in the first year.

If I get a video of her, I can probably get you a signed photo of Bangledesh.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by 80k
No you haven't because i took them yesterday and haven't uploaded them anywhere else on the web.

But thank you Pabst for brining it to my attention though that some of you, yourself being a perfect example, dont have girlfriends near as hot as mine and will be jealous and make unfactual claims that its "not my girlfriend".

soo for this reason, here i am sitting on the very same leopard couch against a wall of blue white and grey graffitti.
the same couch where i fuck my really hot girlfriend:

and thenn me again in a different pic with MY GIRLFRIEND:

andd me 1 more time with a sign just for you pabst:


You're girl is pretty attractive and she looks young (under 25)...
You'd better marry her ASAP, because lookin at you.. sooner or later, she's gonna figure out that she's an 8 and you're a 5 and you'll be her EXboyfriend... then again... I guess you could marry her and she'd realize that and then you'd be her EXhusband...

either way ... you're destined to be her EX..

so live it up!!
Lvl 25
I still don't buy it. Whats with the logo " Inland Empire Club Scene "? Why is the background on your picture with the "I win" sign not on the same couch? Either way, cimmeron is're yesterdays old trash when she wake up.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Pabst

I've seen these before. Def not your gal.

haha, you got served Pabst.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by compgeek
I still don't buy it. Whats with the logo " Inland Empire Club Scene "?

that couch was in the club where he met this "plant" and got his picture taken with her..
Lvl 14
dudes thats a fake.... first 3 pictures without the noob....
4th one.... easy to put a picture on the left corner of another picture.... gimp photoshop....
5th picture fake...look ath the girls head.... seems really strange...
maybe Im wrong if im wrong so sorry.... but....
Lvl 8
Feel like you have something to prove dood?? ah'ite.. prove it to us...

Post a picture of you and her standing by the front door to your apartment/house/dorm/etc. both of ya'll wearing bluejeans...

Then you'll get an I'm sorry... 80K is the king of pussy getting dood's thread.. that I'll start myself...

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