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Friends Of Mine

Starter: whonosme Posted: 16 years ago Views: 11.0K
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Lvl 13
This is my first attempt at my own thread, so hopefully I don't screw it up too much. Hope I get it right, and hope yall enjoy. These are all friends of mine, and yes, they are all at least 18 years old. Here we go...

These first ones are a friend named Whitney

Lvl 13
2 more of Whitney

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Vanessa, the one on the left

Lvl 10
Nice friends, How about getting them naked
Lvl 10
You have some cute friends.
Lvl 13
Sorry, that last picture is Kelly, not Vanessa, here's some more Vanessa, then I'll do Kelly

On the far right here
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On the far Right again
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Last one of Vanessa, she's in the middle...then I'll start with Kelly

Here's Kelly

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More Kelly

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That's all I'll do for now, until we see if folks like this topic and the girls. Let me know and I'll keep going, I uploaded about 150 pictures all of my good looking friends
Lvl 7
hot girls keep posting
Lvl 13
Here's Lindsay

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Last one of Lindsay
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Here's a different Lyndsay

Lyndsay on the left, Meghan on the right
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Here's Lyndsay's sister, Amanda

That's Ali in front, more of her another time ;-)

Gotta love Amanda too :-)
Lvl 13
This is Amanda and Jessica, I don't have any pics of Jess though

That's all of Amanda, and all for now, maybe some more tonight if people are digging this thread
Lvl 12
Great post, keep 'em coming.
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