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Ex Gf's or Women I know

Starter: bigshaftman19 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 4.5K
Lvl 2
Thought I would share them with you guys..Let me know what you guys think.
Lvl 8
nice pics - keep posting
Lvl 29
Some real cuties there ... thanks.
Lvl 15
nice pics keep them coming please.
Lvl 12
good shots
Lvl 11
I doubt it seriously. Considering these are all facebook and myspace pics. Don't quit your day job buddy.
Lvl 9
i dont care who they are or aren't...please keep with the postin' of the busty cuties
Lvl 29
i think that you happen to know some very attractive we need to see them naked
Lvl 12
very nice
Lvl 13
Hotties Julie and Kate!
Lvl 15
very nice I must say.
Lvl 18

post # 22 middle pic middle girl

post #25 pic on right girl all the way to the left.

Thanks, nice thread.
Lvl 19
very nice if you do have more i'd like to see the girl in post #2 middle & post #7 girl on the right
Lvl 13
dude you dont have more and if you do thay are myspace pics.just cuase thay exsepy you as a buddy does not mean you know them at all perv