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Starter: hamfan Posted: 14 years ago Views: 149.4K
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Lvl 24
This thread isn't about fat chicks. (Although I know plenty of dudes who like a an extra roll or two). And I am not shitting on skinny chicks either. I just thought it might be time for a thread that studied the beauty of curves (curvology). Ass curves, cleavage curves, curvy waists, curvy hips, curvy mounds, thigh curves, tit curves, girls with curves. OK, you've got the point by now. But just in case you haven't, let me give you a few examples. First off, let's have some cleavage curves.....
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 24
Full length curves ....
Lvl 24
Little waists
Lvl 24
Hips that don't lie
Lvl 14
Lvl 24
And I'm back to asses again. I think you get the idea. I'll be back with lots, lots more of these.
Lvl 5
Who likes straight lines?
Give me curves with character every time!
Lvl 7
Great thread!!
Lvl 17
I wish they'd offered curvology as a course in school, lol...
Lvl 25
Lvl 4
Originally posted by hamfan
I'll be back with lots, lots more of these.

Then I'll be back with lots, lots more Kleenex and hand lotion.
Lvl 33
Top thread

Curvy gals are the doggy's doo dah's (those with real curves)
Lvl 24
Glad to hear you're enjoying it ogrepuppy, dlks and [blacklisted]umefan0813 ... and well played FusionRi, some nice curves there. Now, here's some more full-length curves for yall.
Lvl 24
Big beautiful ass curves gentlemen......
Lvl 24
Ah yes, curves in the kneeling position
Lvl 24
Cleavage curves
Lvl 15
great thread!!!!!!!!
Lvl 24
Thanks Remi79. Hope you like these adds.
Lvl 24
Lvl 24
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