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Bridge to heaven, or close anyway

Starter: Rob3 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 2.8K
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Lvl 39
As you will see in the pics, I think I define my bridge rather well. To me it is sexy, I wished I could find some pics of girls in jeans that also portrayed this. I just cant find any. So lets start with these 4 and I will add as the evening goes along.

Lvl 39
You will also notice that all of these girls are rather thin, or have great hips. Doesn,t matter to me this is a turn on for me.

Lvl 39
Lvl 39
Lvl 30
We have a lot of bridges as such, at our beaches and good voyeur material. Ty for the fine Post Rob3, and looking forward to some more bridges to Heaven!
Lvl 39
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Lvl 17
my gf has this and i LOVE it!
Lvl 10
It's sexy, as long as the girl is not too skinny. Nice thread Rob!
Lvl 26
Pretty sweet!
Lvl 39
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Lvl 17
Great thread!
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