Score: 4.36 Votes: 22
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Weird but not necessarily wonderful!!

Starter: Caligynephobe Posted: 12 years ago Views: 29.4K
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Lvl 42
Lvl 27
That would fit in the funny photo thread
Lvl 42
As a competative chess player, i've quite often had the compulsion to to stick the peices up my opponents arse!!! Never had an opponent this good looking or even remotely fuckable!!

Lvl 42
Not really sure what they're saying, but i'm guessing it's one of the sites ex-members after his wife has found out that he'd posted pics of her naked on tinternet

* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 42
I'm guessing this is a member of the NRA
Lvl 42

Lvl 42
Lvl 42
Not the Extra Cold??!!
Lvl 42
Lvl 42
Lvl 42
Not getting the best suction in that position......or maybe she is!!

Lvl 42
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Lvl 42
Lvl 42
A Slippery Nipple??

Lvl 42
Lvl 42
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