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The WTF Thread: Naked oddities, curiosities and peculiar photos. (Aka: The train-wreck thread - you just can't look away)

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 11 years ago Views: 293.8K
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Lvl 59
Courtesy of Kanzen, video of little foam basketballs being born.
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Fuckin nerds always with the Star Wars shit. NERRRRD
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And this is where baseballs come from. Sometimes.
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Going for a boat ride was the second most eventful thing she did that day.
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No idea how to describe what this is.
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Tentacles. Another one courtesy Kanzen. Well, I actually had it for a while before posting it, but Kanzen posted it first, so he gets credit, sort of like how the first person to publish scientific findings in a journal gets the credit.
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Just a bunch of CGI dicks falling.

I wanted to use this as an avatar, but it's way too big for our tiny limits.
Lvl 59
Ever have sex in a dangerous place? Yeah? Well these people have you beat.
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And this is where crystal balls come from. Please, for your own good, stop watching as soon as the crystal ball pops out. Really. REALLY. DONT WATCH AFTER THAT.


Whatever, perv. Go ahead and watch that crap. Don't say I didn't warn you.
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Lvl 59
The cameraman here got too close to the accretion disc, and then got caught in the pull of the black anus hole.
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This girl poops a crystal ball.

But that's all. It's not gross or anything afterward. Just a normal pooping of a giant crystal ball.
Lvl 59
Getting tired. caption this yourself.
Lvl 59
If this one had audio I would like to think that you'd hear something like the sound that comes out of a coke bottle when you blow over the top of it.
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"Hey, honey, can you get me another soda?"
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Why would you put a tourniquet on your boob and then shoot milk out of your veiny engorged booby?
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I bet a lot of dudes have been jerking off to this one and then been like, "Oh, come on now, she totally broke character there."
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hue hue hue hue hue hue hue hue
Lvl 59
This one isn't really that weird, it just makes me dizzy.
mrmcloud finds this awesome.
Lvl 59
This one is interesting and creative and not at all gross. So of course it'll get lost in the nuclear holocaust of grotesqueness that is the rest of this thread, but whatever.
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