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The WTF Thread: Naked oddities, curiosities and peculiar photos. (Aka: The train-wreck thread - you just can't look away)

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 11 years ago Views: 293.7K
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Lvl 59
I call this sex position: "Holy shit you're out of my league"


Cats like panties, it seems

Lvl 59
Some people speed date. This girl speed BJs

And this girl gets fucked by three pandas

And this girl got fucked by one squid.

Lvl 59
And this girl's desk is the envy of everyone at the office:

This isn't even that weird. just some underwater sex. I mean, it's downright puritan compared to the squid vagina, for example.

OH HAI! (Notice that both of these people are on their cell phones. Technology is a real piece of shit sometiems)

Lvl 59
Here are three pictures, none of which I can explain.

Lvl 59
Sally can't come to the phone right now, she's all tied up.

Originally posted by EricLindros
Now if you thought those things were weird, well, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Here are some gifs of girls putting sand and rocks in their private areas. SAND AND ROCKS. IN THEM.

No...just no...this.....

Idk....this just can't be.

It just can't.

Can it?
Lvl 59
it can.

I looks like it's the same girl in both gifs, now that I've looked again, so at least there's only one batshit insane girl out there, instead of two.
Lvl 59
Anyway, I'm going to call it a night.

Later peoples...
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by EricLindros

I'm going to guess Mr. Lindros might have tipped a pint or two tonight.

Also, That cat/panties picture is either one of the best pics ever taken or a really good shop job.
xdeltaxbravox finds this awesome.
Lvl 27
Squid vagoo, I hear it's all the rage with those crazy kids these days...
Lvl 11
Some seriously wierd ass; sick; shit on here! I love it! Post More!
Lvl 4
Originally posted by EricLindros
Not a fan of That 70s Show? Well, maybe you liked video games.

Remember mortal combat? FINISH HER!

Not to nit pick, but this is Street Fighter not Mortal Kombat!
Lvl 20
When I saw this thread in the "Latest Posts" on the front page I thought:

"Excellent, Lindros is posting more fucked up shit"

Alas, tis not the case.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by hydrahead
When I saw this thread in the "Latest Posts" on the front page I thought:

"Excellent, Lindros is posting more fucked up shit"

Alas, tis not the case.

Sorry, it was some other dude bumping.

Anyway, here's a little something to show you how efficient the Japanese are, while at the same time tiding you over until such time that I post more.

Bi-B, AngelicTease, Markpaulette, Kpb593 find this awesome.
Lvl 13
Lvl 59
olysteve finds this awesome.
I have a hard time believing that you just stumbled across woman-stuffs-raw-chicken/hen-up-her-cooch.
Lvl 59
I actually did. It was just on the front page of the internet under the WTF category.
I think you have a different internet than me.
Lvl 24
I'm speechless.........
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