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The gils of abercrombie & Fitch???

Starter: Robsprivate Posted: 20 years ago Views: 2.9K
Lvl 12
Anyone know a good link or have them to post?
Lvl 14
never heard of em
Lvl 19
Can't help you, just wanted everyone to know that I got a great deal on my auto insurance.
Lvl 22
hemi, you are unstoppable
Lvl 19
Thats a East Coast American joke, I doubt too many people got it.
Lvl 12
Hahha Hemi! Those commercials on way too much now. It's not even available in NJ the land of horrible drivers, but they still have to play the commercials here... Oh but the funniest one is with the guy who gets the coffee spilled on him and the dentist messes up and he doesnt care lol i laugh at that one every time.

Lvl 14
Actually it a 'right" coast as opposed to "left" coast American joke..
Lvl 13
lol if you watch more than 15 mins of TV anywhere in the U.S. you'll see that commercial...
Lvl 19
Hey, hey, hey we can drive perfectly in NJ, but we just don't want to.
Lvl 13
I want to rip my nuts off when I hear that commercial. It's almost as bad as the Verizon guy - Can you hear me now? AHHHHHH!!!!!
Lvl 14
methinks that robsprivate is asking about the catalogue that came out a few years ago...
It had models that were aroung 16, in various states of dress.

Big Brouhaha in the States.
Lvl 12
I have great news, I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 19
I searched for A&F, didn't find anything but except the under age regular mag pics
Lvl 12
Don't they put out that really trashy catelog that is borderline porn? I've seen some articles about it..
click the link and read all about it...
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 21
Here's another one: