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Still looking good ***kates playground**

Starter: slippery-donkey Posted: 17 years ago Views: 10.6K
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Lvl 27
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Lvl 27
boopsy finds this awesome.
Lvl 27
boopsy finds this awesome.
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Lvl 9
damn she is amazing
Lvl 13
One of, if not my favorite teen model. Hoof or not, she is gorgeous.
Lvl 8
i don't care about the hoof either. just show us the camel toe.
Lvl 6
She's a hottie. I'd like to buy here dinner.
Lvl 59
I'm curious as to whether or not she'd still be on the internet taking noodie pics if she didn't have the hoof, and all the self esteem issues that are born of it.

Also, on a date, at what point do you tell your date that you have a hoof? You can't wait till you get in the sack, because that'd be weird to just spring that on someone.

These are the things I think about.
Lvl 29
Enough of the "hoof" shit already. Every time this girl appears here, it starts. You can't all be that shallow. Or is it just herd mentality? How about developing some individuality?

Either way, Kate is gorgeous!!

Edit: It's a club foot. Not a "hoof".
Lvl 8
mmmm, she is a hottie.
Lvl 13
I'm clueless to the hoof shit..... What are u guys talking about???
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