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Soo..Do You Like Avril Lavigne?

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 14 years ago Views: 20.0K
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Lvl 28
I kinda do, a little more than average I would say.

So, I'm going to make a thread.

Now Avril Lavigne wasn't really famous until after she was 18, so I don't think any of these can be that's cool, and a couple might double over...but, that's just the way it is.
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 28

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Lvl 59
She's not too bad looking, you know?

I really dig her face for some reason. It's like bratty and pretty at the same time, and that's a nice combination.

And her body ain't too bad either.

I mean, sure, I've seen hotter chicks and stuff, but she's not too shabby.
Lvl 28

Lvl 28
@Lindros: Well said,

Lvl 28

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Lvl 24
Despite being very short an' tiny (let's just call her "petite", she's an incredibly hot an' sexy package...I think maybe it's her unusual smile an' those heavily made-up eyes... she has that "wild child" an' "forbidden fruit" thing workin' overtime on our libidos...
I've thought she was irresistable since the first time I laid eyes on her...from that point on, I kinda wanted to lay more than just eyes on her, if you know what I mean...
Lvl 28

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Lvl 7
cant get enough of that girl
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